UMI UMA | 東北の海のうまい物が集うサイト

Chef’s RECIPE@ホーム

Roughly flaked salmon and mushroom rice soup




In Japan, rice soup (zosui) is a comfort food for the colder months. This recipe adds roughly flaked coho salmon for a gentle, welcoming flavor.

Processed seafood used

Cqree INC.

Cqree knows everything there is to know about delicious Japanese cuisine, working with renowned restaurants and chefs to develop and produce bento boxes, New Year’s osechi cooking, premade meal items, and other products, using ingredients grown all over the country. It operates storefronts that sell these products directly, and selected items from its range of hearty, tasty food are also available through kitchen cars for extra convenience.

Cooking time
10 minutes
Total servings
Cooking time
10 minutes


Roughly flaked salmon
20 g
Cooked rice
200 g
Shimeji mushrooms
1/4 pack
Enoki (velvet shank) mushrooms
1/4 pack
1 cap
Green onion
5 g
Dashi stock
400 ml
1/4 tsp
1 tsp
Soy sauce
A dash


  1. Chop the green onion into thin slices. Lightly wash the rice to remove its stickiness, and then drain it in a colander.
  2. In a saucepan, combine the dashi stock, salt, mirin, and soy sauce. Heat the mixture until it boils, and then add the rice and bring the mixture to a simmer.
  3. Add the roughly flaked salmon, and then salt to taste.
  4. Crack the egg into a bowl, mix it well, pour half into the center of the saucepan and stir it in. After a moment, pour the other half around the edges of the saucepan and stir it in as well.
  5. Stir slowly with a wooden spoon or similar. Sprinkle with green onion before serving.
